The Private Sea Glass Collection of Kurt Park.

Sea Glass Hunting 101

I will start off by saying I have learned a lot since 2009 when it comes down to the art of the Sea Glass Hunting.  I would consider myself as an Extreme Sea Glass Hunter, what that means to me is I hunt 24/7 rain or shine, I like rain better for many reasons. I will explain that later.

One day I was watching a TV show and this cute girl in a bikini was rappelling down to a beach to hunt for Sea Glass. So, yes I watched the show and yes she found what she called Sea Glass.... Looked pretty cool. I told my Mom about it and she said she knew about it. She offered to show me her collection and what she had found.  She had just returned from Glass Beach and had her bounty in hand, they were cute little pieces of colored Sea Glass. I was not really impressed but I thought I would give it a try.

I started Sea Glass hunting in 2009, I started off looking for specks  (tiny cute pieces) of glass on a beach and guess what I found little specks of Sea Glass Tiny little colored pieces of Sea Glass. Then I moved into serious Sea Glass hunting, tide charts, beach history, weather changes, beach traffic, rock piles and many other factors.

Now I did pretty good I filled a couple gallon size zip-lock bags almost even time I went hunting. I had a blast! That was the key to Sea Glass hunting, you really must love the beach.  Even a day when no Sea Glass was found you were at the beach and that was good enough for me. And yes it does happen if you don't prepare correctly for the hunt.

Do your homework first!  Anyone can go to any beach in the world and find glass, that is not what I look for. I want the old trash dump from early times when our city father's thought they could throw trash into our ocean and it would take it away. Most beach cities did this, most cities on lakes or even on rivers did this too. Even ships throw their trash over board. Great for us!

Sea Glass is always found at the beach, a piece is found sometimes sitting by it's self far from any other debris on the beach. Now that is not where I find it. I find most of my small Sea Glass in piles of small rocks, most of my mid sized Sea Glass in mid-sized piles of rocks and Yes my really big chunks of Sea Glass were all found in large piles of large rocks. Basically you find the size of Sea Glass were you hunt. You will also find Marbles, Agates, Lightning Sea Glass, Fossils, Silverware, Watches, Spark Plugs, Really Cool Rocks and other artifacts from our history of trash.

As I said before I love to hunt in the rain, the harder the better. Two reasons, one is that most other hunters don't hunt in the cold rain and the other is the more important reason. Sea Glass stands out better when wet. I wear head to toe rain gear even if it 's not raining. I know I'm going to get wet some how.

I titled this page as Sea Glass Hunting 101, now for me that means some of the best beaches I have hunted are on off of Highway 101 or the 1 PCH from Southern California to Northern California. My backyard.

My last Sea Glass Hunt was 8 days and nights long, my haul was as follows:

20 Purples, 12 Black Amethysts, 30 Blues, 7 Reds, 1 Pink, 9 Grays, 3 Yellows, 15 multi-colored,  12 Fire Glass and 3 Agates. Not a bad Sea Glass Hunt.

The last tip for today is pick up everything, put it in your bag and when you get home really look at it hard. It might be one of the many treasures found on the beach or if not you can throw it away and just call it beach clean up.